100WC by Dylan


Posted by rangeibhlin | Posted in Béarla, One hundred word challenge | Posted on March 22, 2017

Once upon a time there was a person called JOHN CENA. The most famous wrestler in the world. He only lost once. He wins the other matches. He has a Bugatti [nice car]. John Cena was in a wrestling match with the smallest wrestler in the world Alto Dorito. Alto won the match and John  cried all day because he lost another match. Alto Dorito went to John’s house and stole his car. Alto  drove to WWE house were they have wrestling competitions. Next day John  went to the WWE house. He saw his car there.  He drove his car home.  He knew Alto stole it.

“How could something so small do that?” said John.

Comments (1)

Well done on your story this week Dylan. There are a few boys in my class who like John Cena, so I actually knew who he was!
You did a great job with the prompt this week and your story was imaginative and creative.
Keep up the great work.
Ms Brennock

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